搜索"伊万·杜布朗拉" ,找到 3部影视作品
Andrey Bogatyrev
Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows the神马影院手机中文版m and steals their money, only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unex向日葵免费下载app站长统计pected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into obl肉动漫无修在线播放ivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. “By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”
Сергей Трофимов,弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫
1988 年,前苏联卡尔梅克。 儿童医院的年轻医生 Kirsan Ayushev 怀疑他的几个病人感染了 HIV。 年长的同事并不相信,所以基尔桑偷偷把样本送到了莫斯科。 当化验结果证实他是对的时,科学家 Dmitry Goncharov,一位在苏联鲜为人知的“外来”疾病专家加入了这个案子。 于是,数十名儿童和几名成人——甚至可能是整个国家爱我就别想太多免费观看全集的命运,掌握在首都流行病学家和省级儿科医生的手里。