搜索"Voss" ,找到 7部影视作品
七岁的诺拉面临首度上学的恐惧,看似在学校适应良好的哥哥豌豆花鸡亚伯,一方面要安抚妹妹,一方面有自己的难题。上课钟声响起,在陌生的环境中除了得向同学自我介绍,诺拉还有下水游泳、走平衡木的新挑战;终于熬到下课时间,却意外发现哥11度青春之老男孩哥的小秘密,想告诉父亲却被下了封口令。宛如小型社会的学校生活,课堂上的表现、同辈间的压力考验着兄妹俩的感情,诺拉能否在校园中拥有自己的归属呢? 比利时新锐导演萝拉汪戴尔首部长片,以手持长镜头、锁定与孩童等高的影像画面,紧紧跟随我吃西红柿最新作品初次上学的诺拉,校园环境音、孩童嬉闹声层层推叠,成功将主角的惴惴不安,透过银幕蔓延开来。饰演兄妹的两位小演员表演浑然天成、细腻精彩,随著剧情的推进,光是一道眼神的变化就足以令人心碎。
Dash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money through helping his friends. He has an enemy, however, named Kaka Rostam, a mean and spiteful person. Dash Akol, who is in his forties, falls in love with Marjan, daughter of the late Haji Samad, for whose estate he is the executor. But he keeps his love secret. One day a suitor asks for Marjan's hand, and Dash Akol considers it against his code of honor to refuse. On the night of the wedding, Dash Akol hands over responsibility for the family to the bridegroom. As he is leaving the house, however, Kaka Rostam is waiting for him and a fight ensues. Kaka Rostam stabs him in the back, but Dash Akol succeeds in killing him. On his deathbed, Dash Akol sends his parrot to Marjan with the confession of love he has tau歪歪漫画登录页面入口网站ght it.