搜索"Janusz" ,找到 11部影视作品
Waldemar Januszczak
According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourishe亲爱的义祁君免费观看西瓜d in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari of errant jingoism. In fact, the most significant early developments in Renaissance art took place not in Italy, but in the ‘barbarian’ lands of Flanders and Germany. Instead of understanding the Renaissance as a return to classical models, we should see it as a climax of medieval values - an epoch of huge religious passions and powerful human emotions. The series will celebrate material that is new to television. Waldemar will inc湖北绿茵lude art that is not usually thought of as Renaissance art. This will involve 're-classifying' what is sometimes called Late Gothic, and showing it off as a marvellous and native artistic tradition, particularly in the remarkable field of polychrome sculpture. On top of all the new art to be introduced, Waldemar will also look from fresh and intriguing angles at many of the established Renaissance giants, including Michelangelo in the Vatican, Leonardo in the Louvre, Botticelli in the Uffizi and Van Eyck in Ghent.
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division of Poland under Russia国语在线, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡,Malgorzata Szumowska
亚努什并不是一个容易被惊吓的男人。作为一个法医他进行精密的研究,分析每分钟的犯罪场景。尽管这种极端的场面让他含羞草实验室入口免费网站直接进入抗拒,但他仍然努力工作。也许太努力了。面对他患有厌食症的女儿,仍旧处于母逝悲痛之中的奥尔加,感到无能为力。因害怕女儿自杀,亚努什将她送到精神病医生安娜的诊所治疗。多年前,安娜失去了她的孩子,现在和他的狗独自住在一所偏远的公寓里,与世隔绝,并与逝去的亡灵沟通… 玛高扎塔•施莫夫兹卡以带有黑色喜剧元素的作品去讲述人们遭遇到的困难,在失去所爱人之后挣扎面对的痛苦。电影展示了人们对亲密关系的恐惧与渴望。因为精神上的痛苦,妄图从秘密中逃离的自我伤害。在理性和对超自然宇宙信仰之间的冲突,以及心在孤独之中纷繁的冥想。
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet li幸运库克ving in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Po解放军艺术学院招生网land's 100-year-long division of Poland under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a ca误杀1ll to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
Tomasz Szafranski
这是一部关于科学天才男孩弗兰克对父亲的思念,以及帮助从另一个时空误入地球的摇滚歌手艾迪重返家园的故事。影片充满了未来科技和冒险元素,弗兰克与同样喜欢冒险的女孩伊莎贝拉,以有人在私人影院做过吗及她的姐姐,还有艾迪四人组成对抗异次元空间追捕者的逃亡团队,发挥各自的特长,从潜入戒备森严的古堡偷取时空留声机,到拯救被绑架的弗兰克的母亲,一路紧密配合,却经常遭遇乌龙,险象环生。这几个年轻人没有特工007那样的身手,没有十二罗汉那样的周密计划,但面前的任务一个都不能少,一切只有随机应变,看老天保佑了。在与艾迪相处的短暂时光里,弗兰克、伊莎贝拉还有弗兰克的姐姐、弗兰克的母亲都发现了自己走出了过去的某些阴影,孩子们变得更加勇敢和自信,最后一分钟的营救换来的却是意外和伤感,艾迪似乎懂得了什么,弗兰克也从艾迪身上感受到了自己一直想念的父亲一般的记忆,伊莎贝拉也没有忘记提醒,艾迪在离开地球的时候还留下了唯一的纪念品,那也是star 424与艾迪重逢的线索。