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Women He's Undressed is a cinema length documentary that explores the life of Australia's most prolific costume designer. Until now Orry-Kelly has been unacknowledged in his country of birth and pretty well forgotten in the adopted country of his greatest success在线观看www天堂. During the boom years of Hollywood he was the costume designer on an astonishing 282 motion pictures. He designed for the stars like Marilyn Munroe, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn and many more of the immortals. His films included Some Like It Hot, Casablanca, An American in Paris and Now, Voyager. Orry-Kelly (Jack to his frien火影忍者免费观看720集高清ds) won three Academy Awards and was nominated for a fourth. Orry-Kelly was Head of Warner Brothers Costume Department during the richest period of American film, the establishment of the dream factory and its effect on mass culture. He was outrageous, witty, outspoken, a drinker and uncompromising but he survived partially protected by his friendship with Jack and Ann ... Written by Damien Parer
故事发生在斯大林时代的前苏联,男主角Leo Demidov是一名苏联国家安全部(MGB)的特工,他尽忠职守、热爱自己4399在线观看免费高清完整版的国家,充满理想主义。作为一名战斗英雄,Leo享受国家给予的特别待遇,不仅他自婚姻保卫战2011己一家住在莫斯科的豪宅区,他的父母也分到了很好的公寓。尽管也秘密逮捕和刑讯逼供,但Leo认为这都是为了国家利益。不过一桩儿童系列凶杀案改变了Leo的生活9420在线观看免费播放轨迹,政府不愿承认凶案的事实,一心想捉到凶手的Leo成为政府猜疑的目标,只有他的妻子始终站在他这一边……
Guy is an experienced British fighter pilot who is in command of Britain's fi十分钟日本在线观看视频rst manned mission to space. He has trained for this for three years at the height of the Cold War and now he is alone in space with a malfunctioning capsule. He has limited contact with the UK, some unusual communication with the US and some unorthodox communication with Tyuratam deep in Soviet Russia. Who will help him? Will he make the right choi就爱搞ce?
HBO新剧《堕落街传奇》聚焦纽约色情业,詹姆斯弗兰科饰演行业大佬孪生兄弟。 HBO即将开拍新剧《堕落街传奇》(The Deuce),聚焦70、80年代纽约色情产业的发展,色情行业的迅速膨胀把曼哈顿变成风月之城,但随着艾滋病的上升、毒品和暴力的泛滥,以及房清级潜艇地产业的更迭,色情行业被渐渐肃清。在色情行业的鼎盛时期,一对孪生兄弟成为色情业的霸主,并具有 绝对的主导权。这对孪生兄弟由(一贯爱演腐化堕落的)詹姆盗墓笔记 全集下载斯·弗兰科担当——汤姆·哈迪在新片《传奇》中也饰演了伦敦黑帮的双胞胎兄弟。 《堕落街传奇》由女导演米歇尔·迈凯伦(Michelle Maxwell MacLaren)执导,米歇尔在美剧领域的成就十分突出,她曾经参与执导过大热剧集《权力的游戏》、《行尸走肉》、《绝命毒师》。凭借《绝命毒师》,她还曾获得过两次艾美奖剧情类最佳导演的提名。弗兰科也是制作人之一。曾一手打造神剧《火线》的大卫·西蒙已完成编剧,计划将于今年10月在纽约开机,《火线》的另一位编剧理查德·普莱斯已经开始着手创作后续的剧本。 编剧大卫·西蒙称:"该剧想要探讨的是当一个社会只剩下逐利时意味着什么,所以这部剧既非色情的,也非清教徒的,而是关于一个产业,以及创造这个产少年派的奇幻漂流小说业同时又被产业塑造的人物。这里有引人入胜的故事,性格丰富的角色,光怪陆离的色情业,我猜你们已经迫不及待想要看到它。”
Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of Camille, Dwayne and Fidel quickly realise they’ve got another eccentric and rather frustrating Englishman on their hands… Humphrey’s apparently random and disorganised a日本高清视频色视频免费pproach to solving crime initially seems confounding, but it’s not long before they realise they have a 新不了情 电影remarkable detective in their midst – one capable of solving his predecessor’s own baffling murder - and together the team go on to brilliantly solve a host of dizzyingly mystifying murders, from zombie film stand-ins, to glamorous stewardesses and local politicians.