搜索"Scher" ,找到 74部影视作品
Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence. Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and fingif动态图第54ds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles. Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery. The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion. Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch. Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date. The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be向日葵app视频免费无限下载 an easy ride. The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled. Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert. The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, 辉夜大小姐要我告白so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously.
Don Mischer
剧情: 第83届奥斯卡完整获奖名单 相关【豆列】 【最佳影片】《国王的演讲》The King’s Speech 【最佳导演】汤姆·霍珀《国王的演讲》/ Tom Hooper, The King's Speech 【最佳男主角】柯林·菲尔斯《国王的演讲》/ Colin Firth, The King's Speech 【最佳女主角】娜塔丽·波曼《黑天鹅》/ Natalie Portman, Black Swan 【最佳男配角】克里斯蒂安·贝尔《斗士》/ Christian Bale, The Fighter 【最佳女配角】梅丽莎·里奥《斗士》/ Melissa Leo, The Fighter 【最佳原创剧本】大卫·塞德勒《国王的演讲》/ David Seidler, The King's Speech 【最佳改编剧本】艾伦·索金《社交网络》/ Aaron Sorkin,The Social Network 【最佳外语片】更好的世界(In a Better World)丹麦 【最佳动画长片】玩具总动员3(Toy Story 3) 【最佳纪录长片】监守自盗(Inside Job) 【最佳摄影】盗梦空间(Inception)Wally Pfister 【最佳剪辑】社交网络(坏蛋是怎样炼成的下载txtThe Social Network) 【最佳视觉效果】盗梦空间(Inception) 【最佳音效剪辑】盗梦空间(Inception) 【最佳音响效果】盗梦空间(Inception) 【最佳艺术指导】爱丽丝梦游仙境(Alice in Wonderland) 【最佳服装设计】爱丽丝梦游仙境(Alice in Wonderland) 【最佳化妆】狼人(The Wolfman) 【最佳配乐】特伦特·雷诺、阿提喀斯·罗斯《社交网络》/ Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, The Social Network 【最佳歌曲】"We Belong Together" -《玩具总动员3》 【最佳动画短片】失物招领(The Lost Thing) 【最佳真人短片】爱神(God of Love) 【最佳纪录短片】不再是陌生人(Strangers No More) 完整提名名单
Don Mischer,Kabir Akhtar,Christopher Guest,Troy Miller
剧情: 完整获奖名单 相关豆列 【最佳影片】《艺术家》The Artist 【最佳导演】迈克冰冻星球下载尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯-《艺术家》/ Michel Hazanavicius-The Artist 【最佳男主角】让·杜雅尔丹-《艺术家》/ Jean Dujardin-The Artist 【最佳女主角】梅丽尔·斯特里普-《铁娘子》/ Meryl Streep-The Iron Lady 【最佳男配角】克里斯托弗·普卢默-《初学者》/ Christopher Plummer-Beginners 【最佳女配角】奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟-《相助》/ Octavia Spencer-The Help 【最佳原创剧本】《午夜巴黎》-伍迪•艾伦 【最佳改编剧本】《后裔》/ The Descendants 【最佳动画长片】《兰戈》/ Rango 【最佳外语片】《纳德和西敏:一次别离》/ A Separation 伊朗 【最佳纪录长片】《不可击败》/ Undefeated 【最佳剪辑】《龙纹身的女孩》/ The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 【最佳摄影】《雨果》/ Hugo 【最佳视觉效果】《雨果》/ Hugo 【最佳音响效果】《雨果》/ Hugo 【最佳音效剪辑】《雨果》/ Hugo 【最佳美术指导】《雨果》/ Hugo 【最佳服装设计】《艺术家》/ The任你躁这里有精品2视频 Artist 【最佳化妆】《铁娘子》/ The Iron Lady 【最佳配乐】《艺术家》/ The Artist 【最佳歌曲】"Man or Muppet"-《布偶秀大电影》 【最佳动画短片】《神奇飞书》/ The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 【最佳真人短片】《岸边》/ The Shore 【最佳纪录短片】《挽救容颜》/ Saving Face 【琼.赫肖尔特人道主义奖】奥普拉·温弗瑞/ Oprah Winfrey 【终身成就奖】迪克·史密斯/ Dick Smith、詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯/ James Earl Jones 【第84届奥斯卡颁奖典礼】 北美时间:2012年02月26日(周日)下午17:30(15:00开 始红地毯) 北京时间:2012年02月27日(周一)上午09:30(07:00开始红地毯) 豆瓣奥斯卡
Samuel Fischer
Memorial Day, 1993. When 13-year-old Kyle Vogel discovers the World War II footlocker belonging to his grandfather, Bud, everyone tells Kyle to put it back. Luckily, he ignores them. Although Bud has never t北京青年歌曲有哪些alked about the war, he finds himself striking a deal with his grandson: Kyle can pick any three souvenirs, and Bud will tell him the stories behind each one. Memorial Day not only takes us on a journey into Bud's complicated wartime past, but also into Kyle's wartime future. As the two men share parallel experiences in combat, they come to realize how that magical这个杀手不太冷高清 day on the porch shaped both of their lives.
在传说中英雄辈出的年代,彪悍的西米里族英雄柯南(阿诺德·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)为了让心爱的瓦莱里亚复活,只得接受了异族女王塔拉米斯的要求,陪伴女王的侄女珍娜取得魔法钥匙写作业时爸爸弄我BB“邪恶之心”。珍娜是远古卷轴上记载的天选之人,只有她才能得到钥匙,开启传说中的宝藏,而塔拉米斯的计划是利用柯南保护珍娜,在成功后把他们全部杀死,塔拉米斯派出侍卫长邦伯塔与柯南同行并暗中监视。柯南一行在路上救下了东方巫师和黑人女战士,加上盗贼好友,七人抵达了藏着邪恶之心的湖中城演员金刚堡,城中的巫师施法将珍娜夺走,柯南等人力战终于救出珍娜,而这仅仅是冒险之旅的开端……
&l斗罗大陆在线视频免费观看t;p> 在一个远离喧嚣闹事的田园所在,双胞胎卢卡斯(卢卡斯·施-瓦兹 Lukas Schwarz 饰)和伊莱亚斯(伊莱亚斯·施-瓦兹 Elias Schwarz 饰)过着无忧无虑的生活,同时每天等待住院的妈妈早日归来。这一天,两个小家伙一身泥泞跑回家中,惊喜地发现妈妈(苏珊娜·伍艾斯特 Susanne Wuest 饰)终于回来了。只不过妈妈头上缠性春暖花最新地址着绷带,几乎看不清原来的模样。只不过接下来的一段时间,孩子们发现妈妈态度变得冷淡,言行举止也有许多怪异的地方,他们甚至认为这并非真正免费观看菠萝蜜视频的妈妈。母子间的冲突不断加剧,妈妈禁止伊莱亚斯和哥哥卢卡斯说话,男孩为此痛苦不堪。 究竟是什么让这个家走向破败边缘?究竟是哪里出了问题?
1960年代,纽约意大利人集结的布朗克斯区。黑帮老大辛尼(查兹·帕尔明特瑞 Chazz Palminteri饰我要干网)是当地赫赫有名的帮会人物。在一宗凶杀案现场,九岁的男孩安奴(弗朗西斯·卡普拉 Francis Capra饰)目睹了这一切。为了街区的名誉,安奴拒绝供出凶手就是辛尼,此事促使他俩展开一段俨如父子般的忘年友情。然而安奴的父亲罗兰逊(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰)对此却并不赞成,唯恐儿子误入歧途。八年后,十七岁的安奴(李洛·布兰卡托 Lillo Brancato饰)已经成长为一名英俊少年。辛尼的势力正在逐渐扩大,安奴对辛尼愈发崇拜,对黑帮生活也更加向往。诚实正直的罗兰逊对儿子的忧虑越来越重。 由奥斯卡影帝罗伯特·德尼罗执导的电影处女作《布朗克斯的故事》,入围1993年第50届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。
Ali Scher
Erwin a girl geni好妈妈韩国中字5us is the youngest student in high school. She's faced with a problem of Social isolation. With fellow outcast Winston, the duo team up to invent a chemical that will change the high school hierarchy forever.
Notat is a feature film avlangdizhibased on the real events of the first act of terror in Denmark. Copenhagen, Feburary 14, 2015. On an icy cold winter's day, a terrorist attack is carried out, t2012国语在线看免费观看argeting first an event on freedom of speech at the cultural centre “Krudttønden” and then the synagogue of Copenhagen during a bat mitzvah.
Samuel Fischer
Memorial Day, 1993. When 13-year-old Kyle Vogel discovers the World War II footlocker belonging to his grandfather, Bud, everyone tells Kyle to put it back. Luckily, he ignores them. Although Bud has never talked about the war, he finds himself striking a deal with his grandson: Kyle can pick any three sobt天堂在线新版uvenirs, and Bud will tell him the stories behind each one. Memorial Day not only takes us on a journey into Bud's complicated wartime past, but also into Kyle's wartime future. As the two men share parallel experiences in combat, they come to realize how that magical day on the porch shaped both of their lives.
威尔(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)和女儿汤姆(托马辛我的公主下载·麦肯齐 Thomasin McKenzie 饰)过着相依为命的日子。父女两人在深山老林里安营扎寨,一直都离群索居,不和现代社会有所接触。虽然丛林里的生存条件十分的恶劣,但威尔觉得这才是他们应该有的生活。<发发娱乐;br/> 某日,政府的工作人员找到了父女两人,强制将他们带回了文明世界之中,虽然在这里吃得饱、穿得暖,但威尔还是觉得自己仿佛在坐牢一般。终于,他决定带着汤姆再度回到他的野生王国之中,可此时的汤姆显然更加愿意待在无论做什么事情都非常便利的城市里突围电视剧免费观看,父女两人之间产生了巨大的分歧。在自己的意愿和女儿的渴望之间,威尔会如何选择呢?
Friedrich Scherer
Claudia Frank,Bob Schermerhorn
This show is quite possibly the biggest waste of videotape, electricity, and RF bandwidth in the 70+ year history of television. It's nothing but 60 minutes of some of the worst bile that can come out of human beings, male or female. Basically, it's nothing but pure bitchy, catty, c*nty, vile harpiness among the contestants, judges, and the fashionistas (or should I say fashionazis). Typically a lot of insulting, backbiting, and bitchy, unnecessarily anal-retentive criticism. The thing that gets me about the show is how much the judges and fashio辉夜大小姐要我告白nazis (and the pretentious & shallow fashion industry in general) nit-pick against the equally bitchy contestants about little, petty, trivial, frivolous, anal-retentive things about their appearance, personality, etc. Things that the *REAL* people in this world (which the fashion industry lacks, thankfully) wouldn't give rat's ass number 1 about. (Myself included.) Crap like: "Oh, your left eyebrow is a yoctometer off center.中菲海战 That isn't gonna fly, and nobody will take you seriously in this industry because of it!" Or, "You're breathing wrong. Good luck with winning this competition." I'm just kidding here, but they usually end up saying things almost exactly like this on this show. If getting into the fashion industry is this hard, painful, bitchy, insulting, nit-picky, catty, backstabbing, and anal-retentive as this show tries to portray, than thank the good Lord that He made me all fat, balding, hairy, and dumpy-frumpy-dowdy-frowsy-geeky-lookin', because I would never want to be required to have the caustic bitchiness and anal, pretentious attitude of any model or fashionazi (or any fashion industry worker), namely the people on this show. And Janice Dicki校园风流邪少nson, mercy, do not get me started on her... This show needs to die. It's this show (and many other "reality" shows like it) that proves that competitiveness (and the fashion industry) is truly the devil's tool...
Barbara Bredero
帕特森一家住在动物园旁边,小帕特森跟幼儿园的小长颈鹿拉夫是最好的爆乳隔壁人妻中文字幕朋友,他们一同出生、一同长大、一起分享秘密。这天,帕特森和拉夫一起过完了4岁生日,帕特森即将迎来人生中很重要的一个转折:开始全新的幼儿园生活。帕特森非常兴奋,他以为会和自奇趣马戏团己的好朋友拉夫一起上幼儿园,然而幼儿园并不接受小长颈鹿。为了安慰无法一起上学的孤单好朋友,帕特森每天都要想尽办法,最后,帕特森想出了一个大胆计划,他要把拉夫偷偷带到学校去。 一场精心策划的“长颈鹿上学计”即将上演,在动物园小动物和幼儿园小朋友的帮助下,帕特森终于实现了和长颈鹿拉夫一起上学的心愿,拉夫也成为了幼儿园里最让人惊喜的临时学生。